Jörg Schieb

Jörg Schieb

ARD Digital Expert, speaker & bestselling author

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About the Speaker

Jörg Schieb is one of the best-known and most renowned authors on digital topics in Germany. His speciality: preparing and presenting complex issues in an appealing and entertaining manner. Even back in the 1980s and 1990s he wrote many highly successful guidebooks and familiarised people especially with the internet. More than 130 titles have been published that were sold around the world, even in the US. Jörg Schieb wrote for many leading media: in the FAZ as one of the first on the internet, but also in WirtschaftsWoche and Handelsblatt as well as Spiegel and Stern magazines. Whether in Tagesschau or Tagesthemen broadcasts, on the TV channel Phoenix or in many other programmes: Jörg Schieb critically classifies current events and trends from the world of digitalisation in a way people can follow.