Daniel Jung

Daniel Jung

Managing Director

Daniel Jung Media GmbH
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Our Megatrends at DIGITAL X

Megatrends are thematic areas that present changes and currents within the industry and guide strong tendencies in different directions.

The speaker will focus on the following megatrend(s): Future of work Sustainability & Responsibility

About the Speaker

Daniel Jung is a renowned education entrepreneur and MathsYouTuber who has a passion for education and especially mathematics. Born in Remscheid in 1981, he started his career while studying mathematics and sports. Alongside his work as a tutor and tennis instructor, he founded his first company. When he came across American professors who made their lectures available online, he recognised the potential of this method. Daniel decided to try the same in German and developed his unique Nugget Learning method. With millions of followers on social media, he makes complex mathematical content understandable for everyone and inspires his viewers with his clear and accessible way of teaching.