Antje Williams

Antje Williams

Senior Vice President 5G Campus Networks

German Telekom AG

Our Megatrends at DIGITAL X

Megatrends are thematic areas that present changes and currents within the industry and guide strong tendencies in different directions.

The speaker will focus on the following megatrend(s): Security

About the Speaker

Antje Williams is appointed as Senior Vice President 5G Campus Networks since October 2018. 5G Campus develops solutions based on mobile technology (4G/5G) for industry parks, warehouses, logistic terminals, hospitals etc. It includes connectivity and end-to-end solutions for business customers. Before this new appointment, Antje was leading for 3 years the 5G program within Deutsche Telekom including Architecture, Business, Standardization, Industry fora like NGMN, GSMA, European initiatives as 5GPPP, Finance, Communication and the 5G:haus.

Prior to this role Antje became Head of Inflight Connectivity and Managing Director of T-Mobile HotSpot GmbH (subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom). She was responsible offering WIFI access on board of 15 airlines (in 2014). Before joining Inflight, Antje was Head of Sales for the national Wholesale Department in Southern Germany for five years. She was responsible for the fixed line business with customers as Telefónica Germany, Kabeldeutschland, BT Germany among others. Antje started in 2001 in the Legal Department of Deutsche Telekom.